Constitutional Law:
Because of its relevance to societal problems and challenges, the subject of constitutional law is gradually gaining importance in our country. Issues of common concern and interest include the protection of individual rights and freedoms, the composition and functions of public bodies, the rights and obligations of Official agencies, and so on. Our Firm is hugely beneficial in promoting awareness of legal and constitutional matters as well as in helping clients in understanding clearly the evolving legal principles and concepts, clearing the way for constitutional rule, compliance with the rule of law and good governance in society.

Administrative Law
Administrative law refers to the laws and legal concepts that govern the administration and regulation of governmental authorities (both Federal and Provincial). Permitting and licensing, policy and process development, bid preparation, and land development regulations are just a few of the matters that our Administrative Law Team members frequently advise on. However, our team’s compliance talents extend beyond administrative counselling, as we advise customers with criminal conduct prevention and victimisation.

Arbitration Law & Enforcement:
Arbitration law refers to the procedure of resolving a dispute between two consenting parties by appointing an arbitrator to render a binding decision on the dispute. It is a technique of resolving conflicts outside the courts, saving time and resources simultaneously. The purpose of arbitration is for the parties involved in transactions and pertinent affairs to provide a neutral forum.

Civil Law:
Our expert team has experience in developing a comprehensive strategy, preventing wasteful duplication of discovery efforts; ensuring that the local counsel takes consistent factual and legal positions, work closely with them to implement the national strategy and coordinate joint defence arrangements with other councils.
Through these initiatives, the firm strives to obtain the best possible litigation outcomes while being cost-effective, including saving business executives’ and workers’ valuable time.

Revenue Law:
Our team of expert attorneys specializes in matters relating to imposition or collection of taxes in order to defray government expenses.

Family Law:
Our family lawyers provide the best service to their clients in settling family law matters in Pakistan, including divorce, post divorce maintenance/ financial arrangements, child custody and more.

Criminal Law:
Our associates work day and night to get justice served to their clients by using their knowledge and vast experience in this field of law. Our goal is to protect them from mishaps resulting from the other party’s criminal conduct. Additionally, we look into FIA and NAB matters etc.

Business Law:
When it comes to starting a new business, acquiring an existing one, or dealing with difficulties related to the management and ownership of a firm, having an ideal attorney can make a massive difference. Attorneys at Ali & Haseeb Law Associates have comprehensive experience in business, commercial, and corporate activities throughout Pakistan, ranging from the establishment and incorporation of new business start-ups as limited liability companies or partnerships, through mergers and acquisitions, preparation of shareholder or operating agreements and the provision of business counselling services in their daily business activities to guide business owners and operators.

Business Tax Planning:
Our expert team provides both Pakistani and international customers with sound, reliable and cost-effective tax planning and compliance, controlled and coordinated from our Lahore office. We also make sure that our customers are not left behind by keeping them informed of major changes to Pakistan’s fiscal legislation and by recalling imminent deadlines, frequent tax notifications, recalls, tax calendars, etc.

Banking Law, Finance & Capital Markets:
We deal with the successful establishment, incorporation and share capital in Banking Companies, Cooperative Banks and Financial Institutions, Banking Transactions, Suspension and winding-up of banking business, Recovery of loans, Mortgage matters, Landlord and tenant, Debtor and creditor, Contracts, Bankruptcies etc. Ali & Haseeb Law Associates also deal with matters relating to Borrowing, Raising or taking up of money, the Lending or advancing of money either upon or without security, All types of bills of exchange, Hundis, Promissory notes, Coupons, Drafts, Bills of lading, Railway receipts, Warrants, Debentures, Certificates including participation term certificates, Modaraba certificates and Musharika certificates and All kinds of investments.

Commercial & Corporate Law:
Our goal is to provide value to our customers through the use of our experience and commercial awareness to help them meet their commercial objectives in the most practical way possible. We are acutely aware of the importance of properly protecting and promoting our clients’ legal interests in the context of urgent and sensitive commercial situations. Our team knows the complexity of technical issues arising in day-to-day business transactions, such as matters of competition law and protection of intellectual property rights. We collaborate closely with other professionals in the company and are accustomed to bringing together a variety of specialized concerns to produce effective overall legal solutions to satisfy commercial objectives. Our international company law practise is solid and vast. We have a team of lawyers who specialise in the incorporation of businesses and other relevant services. The commercial law team focuses specifically on the marketing and promotion of products and services and has substantial competence in marketing, advertising and sponsorship.

Contract Law:
Our firm provides a professional contract drafting, negotiation and consulting service. Whether you’re looking for a standard business contract in your firm for everyday use or for a specific contract that covers a specific transaction or relationship, at reasonable rates, we will be able to offer you quality documents. Each contract we produce for you will be meticulously crafted to meet your business needs. We are also qualified negotiators of contracts and can get the most out of any negotiation for our clients.

Joint Ventures:
A joint venture is a legal association in which the parties together engage in mutual profit transactions in the form of a short term partnership. Each party generally contributes assets and risk sharing. Joint ventures like the partnership can entail any form of transaction and individuals, groups of persons, companies or corporations might be the “Persons” engaged.

Labour and Service Laws:
In accordance with labour laws, we understand that a wide range of complications can arise and so we provide the following legal services; drafting and vetting of employment contracts and agreements, legal notices and replies, legal opinion, cases before Labour Courts, cases before Labour Tribunals, cases before Social Security Courts and Appeals, cases before NIRC, cases before High Courts and
cases before Supreme Court.

Intellectual Property Law & Protection:
Our firm enforces, protects and enforces patents, trademarks, copyrights, patent, designs,trade secrets and other intellectual property rights in almost all industries. Our in-house IP attorney, patent and trademark examiner have excellent technical backgrounds as well as considerable legal and business experience. Our IP specialist specializes on securing the IP rights of our clients to a maximum competitive advantage through efficient use and the protection of their intellectual assets.

Copyright Law:
In Pakistan, our team of copyright lawyers and consultants has extensive experience filing copyright applications, registering them, and safeguarding them. Original works of authorship are protected by copyright in any physical medium of expression, currently known or later created, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, whether directly or through the use of a machine or technology. Works of authorship include following categories; Literary works, Musical works including any accompanying words, Dramatic works including any accompanying music, Pantomimes and choreographic works, Pictorial, Graphic and sculptural works, Motion pictures and other Audio-visual works and Sound recordings.

Corporate Law:
Our corporate legal services include amending memorandum and articles, changing the name of the company, re-registration of the company, share classes, share transactions, cancellation, subdividing, and consolidating shares, elective resolutions, and issuing share warrants to bearer. Including cost management through project budgeting, monitoring and efficient staffing.

Drafting & Vetting Agreements:
We have extensive experience creating and interpreting a wide range of contracts, including Partnership and Association Agreements, Shareholders’ Agreements, Agreements for the Sale of Businesses and Property, Licence and Agency Agreements, Franchise Agreements, and Employment Contracts.

Income Tax Returns:
Returns for income tax are the form through which the assessees file before the income tax department information on their income and taxes thereon. If anybody files a late return, certain losses he/she could not carry on. As a result, you are obligated to file an annual tax return. This method determines whether you owe additional taxes beyond the amount that you have previously paid to the federal government, or you owe a reimbursement of the taxes that you have already paid.

Due Diligence:
Due diligence, a process that is typically required to be taken before concluding an agreement or contract with another party or an act with a specific standard of care by a reasonable business. In the context of our unique integrated approach, our service supplies vast experience with clients delivering commercial / market diligence, financial accounting due diligence, operational due diligence, IT due diligence, evaluations and tax due diligence services.